Had a lot of fun with this today (from onestopenglish) in my E1 class... again amazing the difference a more unplugged approach is having with this class!
They had some great conversations with their poster papers and circles. Then once they'd finished talking... I got them to do a bit of collaborative writing on their similarities/ differences. This class struggles with 3rd person s and subject verb agreement so was really useful e.g. I like coffee but Salma likes tea. I'm from Poland but she's from Pakistan. I have a car but she hasn't got one. This led on to a spoken presentation of their written work and then in the break I was able to write up some errors on the board which we went through before a quick fun game of spelling play /pass again from OSE.
Another, fun, useful and satisfying lesson for all concerned! You can tell I've been reinvigorated its 1.30 am and I'm still writing about work!
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