Came back after my lesson today to discover something seriously exciting! David Warr of Language Garden fame has just released his plant maker - along with a challenge to review a lesson and make the highlights into a plant.
So, the above plant is some of the words we came up with in class today when we thought of Bradford, as per the lesson I wrote about here. There was obviously a variety of opinion, some of them opposing, but we had a great time chatting about it. The materials were actually a bit too hard for them - they are more towards the low end of E2. However, they still found the session interesting - at least they seemed too :-)
Anyway, thank you very much Mr Language Gardener - you've made my day. If we ever do get our promised interactive whiteboards it will be a lot of fun to use in class!
Edit: Below is my second slightly more complex attempt with the Churchill quote: "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But I'm hoping it is the end of the beginning." Which applies just as well to my language plants as to WW 2 I'm sure ;-p This plant was a real labour of love as it crashed twice when trying to save it but I got there in the end :-)
Hi Anna! This is great stuff! Perfect little language plants showing adjective-noun combinations, how my very first ones looked like. How you've used the tool, as a way to present language that occurred in the lesson, is one of the main ways I can envisage it being used. Iwbs, so they say, are yesterday's news. It's touch screens now. Ask you boss for a class set of ipads instead ;-) Thanks once again for your involvement in this challenge, it is truly appreciated, and I hope you had fun using it. Will your learners get to see your creation?
Posted by: DavidWarr | 10/12/2011 at 10:45 AM
Hi Anna,
Glad you started blogging again and great to see a 'planted' view of one of your classes.
I love presenting word froupings like this and now, with the Plant Maker, I can add some lesson review plants to our school's wiki as well. :)
Posted by: Account Deleted | 10/12/2011 at 03:12 PM
Thanks David it's encouraging to hear that's how you started out too! Lol the chances of us getting ipads are very slim indeed. Perhaps a projector is what I should aim for! Will definitely show it to the learners and may there be many more to come :-)
Dave - I'm glad I started again too - it got a bit overwhelming - I think the key is probably to pace myself and try to post less but more regularly! Sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun with your gardening - a school wiki sounds interesting. We've just lost funding for our VLE so trying to think of cheap alternatives for my groups at the moment. Thanks for the encouragement :-)
Posted by: Anna Rose | 10/13/2011 at 09:27 PM
Ahh, didn't see it down there, excellent! As you say, in your language gardening journey, you have reached the end of the beginning now :-) Haha! (Sorry about the crashing, that is not good)
Posted by: DavidWarr | 11/08/2011 at 10:25 AM
No worries it happens! Seems to be if the plant takes longer than about 10 minutes to make. Thanks so much for all your encouragement!! :-)))
Posted by: Anna Rose | 11/08/2011 at 10:29 AM