Now if only I could add all of this amazing site to my collection! ;-p
It would take more time than I have to fully explore all this site has to offer but the little I have seen has really brought something fresh to my class.
Last week I saw this amazing image
found here linked too from The Best Sites for Learning About the Protests in Egypt
Just taking this into class sparked off some amazing conversation that lasted much longer than I expected. It was enjoyable, fun and relevant to the learners and me!
What I'd really like to learn though is how to do more constructive language follow up and feedback. I feel this is the key to an unplugged approach and it's where I am most inexperienced. But it's what excites me most about the approach. Really listening to my students content and language use and then reformulating it and helping them to notice things. Going into the class with nothing but this picture and coming out with not just a great conversation but great student and teacher notes on language.
My whiteboard work and their own personal notes... I want to facilitate these becoming much clearer and much more useful although I'm not really sure how. I'd love to watch a lesson where a really experienced unplugged teacher does this. I'm sure it's out there somewhere!
But in the meantime thanks to Larry Ferlazzo for his incredibly useful and inspirational website!
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